Public Prayer List


Please pray for Sarmite, she has been caring for an abandoned cat, but can't find a shelter to take her in. She is asking for and praying for someone to house and care for the cat.


Having issues falling and staying asleep. It has been going on for several years but worse in the last 6-12 months. Medications are inconsistent and causing side effects.



First of all, a little praise report. My husband is coming to Lifest for the first time. On the flip side of that, I need prayer for my sanity and anger. Also direction. As stated in the last prayer request that my daughter’s boyfriend’s sister is living with us. I don’t like how much anger she displays, because it is starting to rub off on me. She is cussing a lot, throwing her stuff, slamming doors, even flipped the tv trays over in anger. Guidance and prayers please. I don’t know how much more of it I can take.


Please pray for me. Last night my family decided that because we are behind on bills, that I have to give up my Lifest campsite and tickets. We are running out of money fast and I am literally the only income in my house. My husband doesn’t have a job right now. I have been working and having a lot of classes to take for my work. So I haven’t been home much. We allowed my daughter's boyfriend’s sister move in with us and she seems very controlling. I need time to myself, especially due to the stress in the house. I believe God will meet our needs. I am under so much stress, I feel like I am going to have a panic attack. Please pray for my sanity. I need time to rejuvenate and do stuff for me. On my last paycheck from 2 weeks ago, I had 111 hours on it.


If possible could you please pray loud and hard to the Lord. We have been trying for the last 15 years for a family to continually be knocked down month by month. I've been in deep depression and thought about taking medications but turned to the Lord instead. He knows our hearts and how I feel. He has since turned it around a little and has given me peace. We can't afford to adopt or to foster a child but just wish our 10% chance would produce as many children as the Lord allows. We are hurt and I cry a lot. I've always wanted a family and this continually breaks me down. Please pray we finally get a chance for a family. Have gone to so many specialists and they are no help or support.

Nicole Griesbach

Praying for safety in our new kitchen remodel. Our kitchen is original to the house built in '77. Took down 2 sets of cabinets that were sticky and attracted bugs no matter what we did to it. Now we are working on the above lip to expand out little kitchen. The Lord placed this on my heart last week and I'm following through with it. If not now, when?! It's a big project but we can, I can do this. I'm solely doing this remodel with my husband's support. Please pray for my health and safety during this transition. Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU!!

Judy Ayer

No cancer for Cullen’s biopsies, it took 3 times! Praise God, YOU get the Glory! Thank you for your prayers!! And prayers requested for the new baby Ayer expected in Nov.!!

Noel Dsouza

Dear Friends, Praise the Lord. I am so grateful and praise the Lord Jesus and thank him for 70% curing me and lifting me from the wheel chair to walk and ride my bike on the road. The Lord is making me wait for my Wife to call me and return back to me. My prayers are not completely answered by the Lord Jesus. Pray that he have mercy on me and my Wife Maryann, so she comes back to me soon. I am lonely and living alone, since all her children and relations have abandoned me. As per the medical report of last month, my Heart is still weak. Also my Pancreas swelling is still present and I am not gaining weight due to food digestion problem. Please pray fervently that the Lord Jesus miraculously cures me to strengthen my Heart muscles and pumping to be restored to normal and my Pancreatitis and Digestive organs be completely healed. I am praying everyday as well. I am very depressed and short of breath. My wife Maryann left me last year in January. Please pray hard that the Lord Jesus changes her Mind and Heart with love for me, and BRING MY WIFE MARYANN BACK TO ME, as soon as possible. I now just depend and trust that the Lord Jesus with his Divine Mercy, will heal me completely, and return my wife back to me, to lead a peaceful, healthy and Holy life together. With lots of love and affection. Yours in Jesus Christ Noel Dsouza


Can you please pray for my family as our mother Judy has recently passed away and has now joined our dad in heaven. Thank you!


89Q has given me Hope everyday through a lot of difficult times in my life. I listen to your station every single day! God gave me the strength to leave 2 bad relationships and I am starting to put my past behind me and start my healing journey to move forward. I need prayers to heal from my really bad PTSD from being in 2 abusive relationships both physically and mentally being abused and much more. I also need prayers of dealing with my mom right now living with her. She drinks a lot and it has been really hard with my healing journey of things I have went through in the short 27 years of my life. I have recently been taking a lot of people out of my life to help me move on and heal myself that has been a long time coming for me. I have wanted to reach out to 89q a while ago but did not have the courage to do so. God has been good!


Praying for Gods healing. First Pancreatic cancer, now stomach cancer. But, praise the Lord, Sam has survived longer than doctor's first estimate of Christmas 2022. They are projecting Christmas 2024. Your prayers are helping, thank you all prayer warriors, please continue!! Thank you.

Anthony Maass

Prayers for strength with dealing with cancer and bills.


I'm asking for prayer for my son and daughter in law. They are foster parents and have taken in 2 children. One of the children has many issues they are working through. It's absolutely heartbreaking to hear how broken a child can be. Please pray for God's healing touch on these children and for wisdom for my son and daughter in law.


I found out my husband is cheating on me. So I moved from my home with pets.... moved in with my sister 2 hours away. I miss my friends, family, church. I pray that God would provide a place for me in Antigo or close.


Please pray for several local Christian men (who are currently serving in the military) that when they are deployed, God puts them with other Christian men to serve with. That they remain strong in their Christian faith.


Please God with all my heart. I need you to help save my marriage. I need your help to forgive and forget with her affair. I love her and want this relationship to work and that she will be faithful to me. Please God I need you. I need lots prayers


My giant I’m facing is breast cancer ☹️ Gods got it though ❤️


Thank you to God for helping me through the holidays. I know it was you who made this all work out. I pray that you stay working in my life and in all of our hearts. We need you, Way Maker.


I found out this past weekend that a family member is struggling with their holiday season due to a broken marriage...and my heart flipped into PTSD along with how will the children manage this holiday season. I am a teacher and know that some of my students struggled during Thanksgiving...and dread Christmas and come back so emotionally exhausted from the family dynamics that may not be so picture perfect as their peers. Can I request that we pray over these families (spouses and children) who struggle during the holidays due to infidelity and lack of love?


I had a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. My husband divorced me during my healing and we had to sell my dream home. Then my mom, with dementia was needing support. I am now caring for her 24/7. I praise God for the opportunity to be her care provider and that my cancer is stable. What I ask Prayer for is “heart healing” and a release of grief. That I will trust that God is in full control and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen me to wait for HIS timing.

Beverly Buechner

One week ago while trying to have a garage sale to make some money. I broke my ankle (badly) waited until this week Thursday to get my surgery… went ok but my day went downhill fast. I was sent to another facility because I need a ramp to get into house (nice week to stay cool in a hospital) I had no preparation for this day, no air, and everything else too, mainly anti depressants and pills for neuropathy. One good thing my leg feels very little, but I did have areas of unbearable pain. I’ve had 5 kids so... I turned on 89Q and the new Lauren Daigle song was on and I felt held, but still very sad and not normal. (godly/happy/blessed/loved) but I’m starting to. I have 16 weeks non-weight-bearing restrictions. 


So much stomach pain, chest pain, coughing…. Everyday. Some days better than others. My brother so many health problems too


Prayers of protection to stop the enemy's unrelenting attacks on my family. Help me to stand strong in the knowledge that even in adversity God is FOR me.


That the Sharathon succeeds as God wants it. Stay safe, warm/cool, and Blessings.


Please pray that I will do well in my future interviews and that I will be awarded a job that will allow me to use the gifts that God has given me to make the world a better place. Please pray to bless those who are interviewing me and help them see the value I would bring to their efforts. And please pray for others who are seeking a rich, meaningful career that will help them to provide for their family and find further meaning in their lives. God's blessings and support to you all!


for my family

Please pray for the healing of mental illness, deliverance from multi-generational curses, and protection against evil spirits and witchcraft of my daughter. Please pray for Michael North so that like the Prodigal Son he returns to the Faith and becomes the Divine Partner worthy of his Father and me. May his iniquities be forgiven and his sin accounts imputed. Protect him from witchcraft and evil spirits Please pray that my niece Samantha is healed of rheumatoid arthritis and finds a Godly husband.


My dear friend, Barb, age 71 has been battling an autoimmune disease for 3 years now and recently her hands have swollen and weakened terribly along with increasing pain in her joints. Please pray for healing and relief. Thank You!

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