Public Prayer List

Sandy Schultz

Thank you for your prayers. On my career in my 50's in software, it's been a ton of no's. From all directions. And I'm beyond optimistic through Christ that a yes is coming, maybe in an unexpected form. I just know something will happen. I have all these ideas that tell me my work life is winding up, not winding down. Hope against all hope. That's what Christ gives. So I'm praising Him ahead of time for the answers. Thank you for your help in that.


I'm 55 and was raised in a certain religion that doesn't celebrate holidays. Jesus found me not to long ago. I'm struggling to leave that religion because I will lose my Mom and brother.


I am not a negative person. I'm usually cheerful and happy, positive......but when I have someone tell me I'm negative because I'm realistic or crabby because I'm asked for the 3rd time what I'm doing -- I get crabby and feel negative. Please pray for me to stay positive and cheerful through these moments!


I am looking for prayers to fight the dark demons in my head. I struggle with depression and am currently fighting the thought to commit suicide. Your music helps me to keep my head above water. Thank you for being a positive force in life.

Sandy Schultz

More fire growing in me to make software startup work. Praying for just 1 influential farmer to be open in our area to AI tools for farming. That I'll come across well. That I'll learn the software effectively. Thanks for praying.


My son Brandon took a fall on a skateboard and will be having surgery on the 10th. 1/3 of his shoulder socket was crushed, rotator cuff and bicep muscle torn along with ligaments and tendons.. Pray for Dr doing the surgery and for healing and full use of his arm. Thank you


Pray for the Lord's help, healing (pain & anxiety relief), peace, favor, salvation, revival, restoration, for all the USA, Canada, Mexico, Israel & Jerusalem, also for me & my Mom & Sister & all who are with us, for all of God’s people, for all I’ve prayed for, for all nations & all mankind.


For my wife who just received her cancer screening results that showed highly elevated levels. Please pray that Gods will matches ours. "For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever, Amen"


I would appreciate if anyone out there can pray for an elderly man who has gone missing. He lives in Johnson City Tennessee His name is Mark Nichols aka Hobo Shoestrings. for his safe return. Thank you very much.


This is a prayer request for my husband Kory. He suffered a heart attack Tuesday morning at 3 am. It took them 18 minutes to resuscitate him. He is currently stable and holding. Wednesday they want to see if he will start responding to us if they decrease his sedation and then possibly remove his tube. They will also be checking for any possible brain damage. He is currently in Marshfield Hospital in Marshfield in critical care. Thank you for the prayers.


I am pursuing going back to school to be a pharmacist, will be working full time, going to school as a single mom. I pray for strength, encouragement and success.


Thank you to God for helping me through the holidays. I know it was you who made this all work out. I pray that you stay working in my life and in all of our hearts. We need you, Way Maker.

Surgery Recovery

I just had my gallbladder out, I praying for supernatural healing, this is my 11th surgery in my life but I am always thankful that it always goes well, I also need prayers for the financial end as the bills are coming in, plz pray for godly favor to pay those.


I found out this past weekend that a family member is struggling with their holiday season due to a broken marriage...and my heart flipped into PTSD along with how will the children manage this holiday season. I am a teacher and know that some of my students struggled during Thanksgiving...and dread Christmas and come back so emotionally exhausted from the family dynamics that may not be so picture perfect as their peers. Can I request that we pray over these families (spouses and children) who struggle during the holidays due to infidelity and lack of love?


I had a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. My husband divorced me during my healing and we had to sell my dream home. Then my mom, with dementia was needing support. I am now caring for her 24/7. I praise God for the opportunity to be her care provider and that my cancer is stable. What I ask Prayer for is “heart healing” and a release of grief. That I will trust that God is in full control and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen me to wait for HIS timing.

Beverly Buechner

One week ago while trying to have a garage sale to make some money. I broke my ankle (badly) waited until this week Thursday to get my surgery… went ok but my day went downhill fast. I was sent to another facility because I need a ramp to get into house (nice week to stay cool in a hospital) I had no preparation for this day, no air, and everything else too, mainly anti depressants and pills for neuropathy. One good thing my leg feels very little, but I did have areas of unbearable pain. I’ve had 5 kids so... I turned on 89Q and the new Lauren Daigle song was on and I felt held, but still very sad and not normal. (godly/happy/blessed/loved) but I’m starting to. I have 16 weeks non-weight-bearing restrictions. 


So much stomach pain, chest pain, coughing…. Everyday. Some days better than others. My brother so many health problems too


Prayers of protection to stop the enemy's unrelenting attacks on my family. Help me to stand strong in the knowledge that even in adversity God is FOR me.


That the Sharathon succeeds as God wants it. Stay safe, warm/cool, and Blessings.


Please pray that I will do well in my future interviews and that I will be awarded a job that will allow me to use the gifts that God has given me to make the world a better place. Please pray to bless those who are interviewing me and help them see the value I would bring to their efforts. And please pray for others who are seeking a rich, meaningful career that will help them to provide for their family and find further meaning in their lives. God's blessings and support to you all!


for my family

Please pray for the healing of mental illness, deliverance from multi-generational curses, and protection against evil spirits and witchcraft of my daughter. Please pray for Michael North so that like the Prodigal Son he returns to the Faith and becomes the Divine Partner worthy of his Father and me. May his iniquities be forgiven and his sin accounts imputed. Protect him from witchcraft and evil spirits Please pray that my niece Samantha is healed of rheumatoid arthritis and finds a Godly husband.


My dear friend, Barb, age 71 has been battling an autoimmune disease for 3 years now and recently her hands have swollen and weakened terribly along with increasing pain in her joints. Please pray for healing and relief. Thank You!

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